Dodonna's forces and Phoenix Squadron, led by Commander Jun Sato, planned to attack an Imperial factory on Lothal, however the location of Phoenix Squadron's base was discovered by the Imperial grand admiral Thrawn, who brought his fleet to Atollon in an effort to crush the Rebellion. Dodonna took the Vanguard and several other ships that were a part of his unit to the planet Atollon in the year 2 BBY, home to the Phoenix Cell Rebel unit.
The Vanguard was an EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate commanded by General Jan Dodonna that was a part of the Rebel Alliance's fleet. Hopefully we can finally deal a blow to the Empire and show the rest of the galaxy what we're capable of.' ―Commander Jun Sato welcomes General Jan Dodonna, aboard the Vanguard, to Atollon